At this time of year, with summer camp only a few short days away, I always find myself reflecting upon my own experiences at camp.  I started my camping career at the very young age of 2 years old.  One could say that I was very young to be a camper, but with my older sister and cousin to watch over me, I boarded the yellow school bus which took me to day camp every morning.   After 6 years of day camp I felt ready to conquer the world of sleep-away camp.  My older sister had started going to sleep-away camp and I wanted to follow in her foot-steps.
So, the summer after I finished the third grade, knowing NO ONE (except for my sister), I hopped onto yet another yellow school bus which took me off to sleep-away camp for 4 very long weeks.

This month it will be two years that my grandmother passed away.  There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of her.  I can honestly say my grandmother was one of my closest friends and her passing has left a big void in my heart. My grandmother was 93 years old when she passed away.  She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and as her disease progressed my love for her grew even more.  I felt the need to protect her.  Truthfully, I am not sure if she ever realized the impact she had on me but I do know that the bond we shared was mutual.

Breathing is something we do automatically, no thought required, it’s one less thing to worry about while exercising…well actually you should think about your breathing when training. While breathing is something our body does on it’s own when working out there are breathing techniques that will improve your workout and safeguard your health.

Teens on the bike pathLast week my husband and I got all three girls to go biking with us. This is a much more difficult undertaking than it used to be, when their social lives were completely under our oversight. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but it's been a while, and our twin almost 15-year-olds are constantly busy with friends, school and extra-curricular commitments. And while I like to think they do still enjoy hanging out with mom and dad and their younger sister, it's probably not as high on their list as it used to be.

Post secondary education in Canada has always been was pretty inexpensive compared to our neighbours south of the border. Historically, the provincial governments across Canada subsidized schooling to such an extent that there wasn’t much need for our parents to worry about college tuition from the time we were babies. Fast forward 20-30 years and things have changed – big time.

Finding the right people to hire can be challenging.
  I have recently spent the last couple of months looking at resourcing plans and preparing to bring on-board new talent for a big initiative at work.  On one hand, it is reassuring that you have support to help do the work, and that it is not expected that you do it all yourself.  On the other hand, it is a tremendous responsibility to make the right decision.  0013A poor decision can significantly delay the progress of a project and upset the dynamic within your already established team.  Both talent and inter-personal skills need to be carefully assessed.  Most often, there is a lot at stake.

Growing up I was fortunate to have a very close relationship with my grandparents. My relationship with my grandparents is what gave me the itch to work in the field of geriatrics. My grandmother and I shared a very special bond and after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease it was very difficult for me to face the effects of the disease on a personal level.

“Me get this feeling when a box of cookies are on the shelf, Me want to grab it, want to eat it, can’t control myself.” Please watch this video before reading:   [youtube]   Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster has always been somewhat of an impulsive character, having an insatiable...

Mother's Day has always been something that I have felt proud and privileged to be a part of.  In May 2001, I was 6 months pregnant with my my oldest child and I remember a friend of mine giving me a Mother's Day card designed specifically for a "mother-to-be."  I was so excited for the new adventure in mothering that was about to unfold.
At that time, I was married. I expected that my "mommy experience" was going to follow the intact family path - one with a mommy and a daddy living under the same roof and raising their children as a unit.

When you think about of being fit what do you think of?
I know many people have the misconception that being skinny equals being fit.  That is definitely untrue.  I have trained many many unfit thin clients. I can also say that I've had clients who were fit but possibly had a slightly higher BMI than is recommended.   The thin clients often tell me that it's actually frustrating for them that everybody just assumes they are fit and question why on earth they'd be seeing a personal trainer; they are thin therefore they must be fit.

There are so many quotes about patience and waiting…..   good-things-comes-to-those-who-wait“Good Things Come To Those Who Wait” happens to be a favorite of mine.  Perhaps this  is because I spend so very much of my time waiting for people and things.  I like to believe that I am a very patient person.
My children may choose to argue that I am not always patient, but that is the result of a being a mom, a single mom, who asks her kids to do things repeatedly until the initial patience gets lost.
For the most part, I have a great deal of patience.  Sure, I get impatient waiting in long lines at the grocery store or sitting in traffic when the radio is playing lousy music, but  that’s normal, right?

unnamed-4Today is Brandon’s 38th birthday. That is, it would have been Brandon’s 38th birthday…had he not gotten Leukemia…had he not died four years ago at age 34. I miss my love every single day. But it is on these anniversaries that his absence is that much more pronounced – the birthdays, the holidays and our family’s significant moments.

Daycare….. On the one hand, it’s a wonderful place for my son to interact with his peers, do all kinds of funsick_3 activities and learn new skills.  But on the other hand, daycare is also an environment infested with NASTY, DIRTY, toddler germs. After a few months of being in the daycare scene, I finally came to the realization that there is just no way of getting around the fact that if your kid is in daycare and exposed to other children, he is going to get sick….ALOT!

social media workshop flyerOften at my parenting workshops I will ask for a show of hands from parents who feel their kids' technical skills online have outpaced their own. I'm no longer shocked by the number of hands that go up. With them come guilty confessions from parents who need their six-year-old to turn on the Apple TV, their eight-year-olds to figure out why the printer isn't working, or the ten-year-olds who help them download and set up apps on their smartphones.

[caption id="attachment_9386" align="alignleft" width="275"]The encapsulation style sports bra. The encapsulation style sports bra.[/caption]
Anyone who knows me knows how much I dislike going to the dentist. Well, going shopping for bras, especially sports bras, is a not so distant second.
Usually after spending a few hours and a lot of money on one or two bras that I think are going to be the bra of all sports bras, I am always disappointed. Bouncing up and down in the dressing room for 4 seconds is just never a good enough test (I know you’ve done this too) as actually running, stepping or skipping.  Somehow from the store to home my boobs seem to have either grown or shrunk and I am no longer staying in the cup!!!