Hosting a dinner party is supposed to be fun-not stressful, but more often than not we leave things to the eleventh hour. Often times, five minutes prior to our guest’s arrival, we find ourselves frantically running around, trying to apply our mascara and lipstick, while at the same time handling the last minute prep! Who wants to endure that stress if it can be avoided. Here are a few tips and tricks from the Ladies of L&L on how to properly organize and prepare for your hosting duties so you can keep calm, cool and collected come party time.

With the ever growing popularity of DIY sites and blogs that provide fun, simple and inspirational ideas on how to host an amazing event, we often find ourselves asking: why spend the money on hiring an event planner when we have all the basic guidelines available at the click of a mouse? Well the answer is simple, time is money! Hiring an event planner provides you with guidance, expertise and experience that is sure to save you time, money and stress in the long run.

I’ve been in the financial industry almost my entire business life, so I suppose I take my financial knowledge for granted. When I worked in private banking, some of my clients were older ladies, widows mostly, who were in the terribly uncomfortable position of finding that they knew almost nothing about the finances that their husbands had handled. Luckily their partners had set them up with professional money management accounts, so they had advisors looking after their investments. But when it came to paying bills and making purchasing decisions, they had no idea where to begin.

Deeply inspired (as always) by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, and in particular by his personal experiment of A Year of Living Without, I have decided to embark on the same experiment.

I am doing this for the same reasons Leo writes, below:

“It’s my way of finding out what’s truly necessary, of simplifying my life, of making room for other things.

I’m testing the boundaries of my needs. It’s good to test your personal boundaries now and then (or, if you’re me, all the time).

So what’s the Year of Living Without?

Contributing factors include, but are certainly not limited to, the following:

  •  Online dating
  •  Friends with significant others
  •  Changing Facebook statuses
I will confess that watching Facebook relationship statuses change almost on a weekly basis is… enervating. Watching countless "friends" ('cause let's be honest, no one is FRIENDS with all their Facebook "friends") change their relationship statuses from "in a relationship" to "engaged" makes me wonder, hmmm…. what is it about me?